Dhūman, Dhūumana, dhūmapana, ayurveda

Dhūmpana – Ayurvedic Herbal Smoke

Dhūmana – means deep inhalation and swallowing of herbal smoke.

Ayurveda uses smoke as therapy. It is sometimes used after Pancha Karma to help get rid of any residual doshas from the sinuses. It kindles Agni /digestive fire and improves the appetite.

Blends for your dosha.

Bruhana (Building) Blend for Vata Types: – Bala, Ashwagandha, vidari and licorice and a drop of ghee – This is a building blend that pacifies vata increases Kapha.

Shamana (Pacifying) Blend for Pitta types: Rose, Sandlewood, saffron. – This pacifies Pitta. If Pitta is high, opt for a cooling herbal blend. 

Shodana (cleansing) Blend for Kapha Types: Clove, Cinnamon, Cardamon.  

Tridoshic blend: Rose, Chamomile, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ajwain.

Add poppy seeds and nutmeg for insomnia.

Add Atma Gupta or Damiana flowers and leaves as an aphrodisiac.

Add Brahmi, or shankapushpi for studying. Adding 1-2 drops of Brahmi ghee improves cellular intelligence.

Create your own doshic blends by adding the following herbs for your doshic type. 

Vata Herbs are: Tagara, Dashamula, Tulsi, Ajwain.

Pitta Herbs are: chamomile, lotus, Rose, sandalwood.

Kapha Herbs are: Manjistha Musta, Saffron, Ajwain, licorice. 

You can add Mullen to your smoke blend to reduce any harshness, It burns slowly and is soothing to the throat, it cleans the lungs, activates lymph circulation in the chest and the neck is diuretic and encourages expectoration.

The dried leaves of white sage are also used in smoking blends to improve mood. White sage promotes feelings of relaxation and also boosts memory. It helps to clear the throat, lungs, and sinuses of congestion.

Traditional Method of Dhūmana/Dhūmapana.

  • Put the Mixture in a smoking pipe .
  • Light the blend and place under one nostril and close the other.
  • Inhale through the open nostril and exhale through the mouth.
  • Alternate with the opposite nostril.
  • Repeat as necessary.

Never Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nostrils as this can adversely affect the eyesight. 

Dhuman helps to clear the sinuses, improves eyesight, increase digestive fire, improved appetite, makes the mind attentive, and has an affinity to the heart, lungs, brain and sinuses. 

On average, you should smoke 3-4 times a day. Herbs that we can use orally can be used in Dhūmana.

Indications that you are practising dhūmana wrong are dry cough and chest pain, and overdoing dhūmana can cause nose bleeds and mental confusion, So with all things – moderation is best!

Never practice Dhūmana after an enema, if you are pregnant, if you have anaemia if you are over 80 years old.

Note: Articles on Inner Farmacy are solely to share the knowledge of Ayurveda and bring awareness to natural healing and holistic living. Please do not substitute this information for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.

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