Pitta dosha is the culmination of the fire and water elements. The word pitta stems from the word "Tapa", which means to heat. It is the energy of transformation, expressing itself in the body's metabolism. Any process that involves heat in the body is pitta's work. From temperature regulation, digestion, enzymatic reactions to hormone interaction. The small intestine is the seat of pitta, responsible for the digestion, transformation and assimilation of our food. Pitta also resides in the brain and is responsible for digesting, transforming and assimilating information, and experiences into knowledge. In the eyes, the fire element of pitta gives us visual perception and enables us to see colour. It provides lustre to our skin and our blood's red colour. Pitta has an affinity to the blood and the liver, synthesising vital components and chemicals the body needs to function.

Pitta presents itself with regularity. Pitta types usually have a medium, well-shaped frame, an athletic build with toned muscles. They tend to have an average weight and gain weight evenly. The sharp nature of pitta can often present itself in angular features; a straight roman nose is a strong pitta trait, and eyes can be intense, piercing and sensitive to light. Their skin is often warm, oily and rosy with a scattering of moles. Red hair and freckles are a strong indication of pitta, along with strawberry blond. These types often go prematurely grey, and men will go bald earlier and often have a receding hairline. Their nails are usually pink, well-formed, and flexible. Their teeth are sharp with tender gums, and their lips can sometimes be inflamed.
The Sharp attribute of pitta gives these individuals a sharp mind and great focus. Passionate and intelligent, pitta types are organised and highly efficient. Their natural confidence makes them well suited to positions of authority. They make great leaders and educators. Naturally assertive and competitive, their disciplined approach to life makes them goal orientated. The spreading nature of pitta gives them a natural ability to spread their knowledge and talents far and wide, often becoming well known in their field of expertise.
Pitta people excel when they are in charge. Situations, where they cannot lead can cause frustration and impatience. Compromise is a word that doesn't often appear in Pitta's dictionary. They are meticulous doers and find difficulty in switching off. They are overly self-critical and feel resentful if they are not fully appreciated. The hot nature of this dosha is emphasised by hot weather and spicy food, causing irritability. The light attribute of pitta creates sensitivity to bright lights; pitta types need complete darkness to sleep.
When pitta is high, it presents itself as skin rashes, burning sensations, ulcers, fevers, inflammation and irritations like conjunctivitis, colitis, diarrhoea and sore throats. Emotionally people can experience a short temper, aggression, anger and jealousy.
Too much heat increases pitta. It is best to avoid heating exercise, like working out at mid-day or hot yoga (Pitta folks, this is not the yoga for you!) Spicy foods, alcohol and smoking also create too much heat. Pitta people should not miss or skip meals; Their strong metabolism causes them to get grumpy when they need food. Their natural assertion can make overly competitive situations difficult because they need to be the boss can create tension.
Time in nature is balancing for everyone, and walking barefoot on the grassy earth is perfect for balancing pitta. Relaxed walks in the morning or evening are ideal. Moderate exercise has a more balancing effect than pushing their physical limits. Eating a cooling diet regularly and keeping hydrated with cool drinks (not iced) is best to balance pitta's heat. Taking time to unwind is crucial for the inquiring pitta mind.