"The Moon is watery and airy (kapha and vata) in constitution, she is intuitive and has a round body; she has a luminous countenance, sweet speech, is changeable and moody."
Parashara 3.24

The Moon represents the archetypal feminine energy, the Mother the nurturer, the nourisher—the one who provides our nutrition.
Just as Venus represents the feminine, the Moon is the pinnacle of this representation. The Sun and the Moon represent together the ultimate hierarchy as the male and female figureheads in astrology. The king and the queen, the Father and the Mother, respectively.
Our mothers, or mother figures, nourish us from birth, the Moon can indicate how much nutrition we can absorb, and how we develop both physically and mentally.
The Moon also represents our emotions and mental state. Like Mercury, who rules the part of our intellectual discernment and analysis, the Moon rules our inner emotional state, moods and sleep. Governing the water element and the tides of the ocean, she controls the waters of the body, particularly the plasma, the blood and hormonal balance within our bodily fluids.
Through the Moon and Venus, an astrologer can foresee the health of our breasts, our fertility and our menstrual cycles.
The mind's internal fluctuations, our thoughts and emotions, are attributed to the waxing and waning nature of the Moon. Our inner storehouse of memories and images can affect or afflict the varying levels of the mind.
The Moon can show us how well we connect to others and what we are comfortable with and how we express ourselves, she directs our vulnerabilities our sensitivities and our ability to receive all aspects of life, from love to nutrition.
Just as the Sun indicates our character and confidence, the Moon reflects that personality and how we express it. As the Sun reflects the present and the future the Moon reflects the past and our past lives, it can indicate old patterns that both help and hinder our evolution.
In Astrology, you will often hear people talk of a bright and dark moon, This connotates to the phase of the Moon at birth. A bright moon will indicate an optimistic and positive mind. A dark moon can display tendencies for depression or negativity. If the Moon is afflicted, it can indicate mental illness to some degree, depending on the severity.
As the indicator of femininity, a well-placed moon bestows beauty and attractiveness, the Moon rules the face and our juice! Because the Moon is the nurturer its beneficiaries are natural homemakers and healers, and working with women can feature strongly. They focus their attention on helping others, so the hospitality industry and public service feature strongly. Imaginative professions and working with clothing also come under the Moon's repertoire.
Milk and dairy fall under the Moon's domain, as milk comes from the Mother and is our first form of nutrition. Juicy fruits, watery foods like cucumber, melon and coconut and brewed stewed and cooked foods are all ideal for eating on a Monday.
Mondays are the day to call your Mum or the person most like a mother to you, go out, and Moon bathe, give your self an oil massage and get the lymph moving and drink a warm cup of milk and nourish yourself!
The main name for Moon in Sanskrit is "Chandra", the giver of delight and rhythm as the great cycles of nature, like tides, reflect her.
~ David Frawley - Astrology of the Seers