The stable and dense qualities of Kapha form the structure of the body. Kapha translates as flourishing water and provides lubrication for our joints, organs and systems of the body. It moisturises our skin and maintains our immunity. The elements of water and earth combine to form our body's architecture that creates stability; our bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are all are crafted by Kapha. The fundus of the stomach is the seat of Kapha which also has a direct affinity to the lungs. These two sites have an essential relationship; the liquid quality of Kapha enables the gaseous exchange to occur, and the transference of oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body.

The stable essence of Kapha creates a heavier frame and a compact, strong body. It is effortless for Kapha types to gain weight and harder for them to lose it. The earth element creates strong bones, thick wavy hair, healthy, thick, blunt teeth and strong gums. Kapha eyes are big and bright with thick plentiful lashes, and they have short rounded button noses. Their nails are thick strong, and their skin is cool to the touch, soft, oily and smooth. The slow quality of Kapha translates as an unhurried, calm approach, these types walk slowly and talk slowly and are slow to get going, but once a Kapha type is ramped up, there is no stopping these powerhouses!
Kapha types have more endurance than their fellow doshas. They are sustainers. Just as water and earth hold things together like glue, Kapha types do the same in their relationships, careers and communities. They have a sweet and loving temperament and innately nourish those around them. Their caretaking personality makes nurturing parents and caring managers. Kaphas stability and stamina enable them to make friends for life. They are forgiving, tolerant and rational, making them a vital element to any company and community. They are slow to comprehend, but once they do, they will never forget. The term "memory like an elephant" suites them well. Kapha types love routine and balance doing and being with a natural, graceful pace. Kapha types are sensitive and hold space for emotion, making them great careers, therapist and nurses.
The natural fortitude of Kapha types gives them great immunity and plenty of juice. However, they are prone to issues with weight and the lymphatic system. A light, low sugar, low-fat diet is necessary to navigate the naturally heavy and slow qualities of Kapha. Kapha types don't sit well with spontaneity and change and sometimes experience stagnation within the body and life, causing sluggishness. Creating variety and movement is a great antidote for self-esteem and keeping energy circulating. Kapha types like to go at their own pace and do not do well when pressured, causing stubbornness to surface.
When Kapha is out of balance, it can manifest as excess mucous and congestion. Weight gain and heaviness. Water retention, oedema and the excess earth and stagnation are signs of a Kapha imbalance and feeling lethargic and foggy in the mind. Emotionally one can experience feelings of attachment, envy and possessiveness.
Excess sleep and sleeping during the day. Eating excessively sweet, salt and heavy foods along with overeating at mealtimes. Kapha types have a slow metabolism, so they do not need food as frequently or as abundantly as Pitta or Vata types. Inactivity and lack of movement or lack of stimulation create dullness in the body and mind. Winter is Kapha season. The cold, hard qualities exaggerate the potential for imbalance.
One fundamental way to balance Kapha is to move. Move the body through exercise, move the lymph with massage and salt scrubs, move digestion with warming spices and lighter meals. Keeping stimulated both mentally and physically by changing up their routine and trying new places and activities.